Luke Melia


June 11, 2004

Reagan Remembered

As the nation recalls the Reagan years, my stepmother did the same over dinner tonight. She was working as an apprentice actress at a theater company called Crossroads, getting paid under a federal program to support the arts. Reagan cut that program, eliminating Judy’s job.

Ah memories…

At least it was just a young actress’ livelihood he was careless with in that case. The effects weren’t so mild to the gay community, as the administration’s spokesman spent his press sessions joking about AIDS.

I honor the service, time and energy that Ronald Reagan gave to America. His record is not a good one, though. The man’s just passed on, and it’s understandable to laud his strengths and ignore his weaknesses. But, honestly, a focus on personality over issues and history, is hard to stomach given the last four years.

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