Luke Melia


May 10, 2002

5/10/02, 12:52 am

Family is a many-splendered thing, especially if your family is large. Had lunch with my sister Daniéle yesterday. The day before, I helped Nana order a cable modem for her new computer. Had a great conversation with Will a few days ago — so excited to travel with him. Dad arrived late last night to stay with me for a few days. After my volleyball match tonight (lost all three but we played pretty well…), Isabella called from Mom’s cell phone. She had Jessica on the land line from Bolivia and acted as intermediary give Jess some computer help.

We had a team volleyball practice yesterday, at which Matt graciously played coach, and I went out for Korean food with Jeanhee the night before. Something wonderful about cooking your own food at your table…

I’ve been following the news with disbelief and horror.

I was really surprised by the stock market’s big day yesterday. I shouldn’t be, but the logical part of my personality always expects systems to act rationally, and I forget that when people are involved they act socially.

I happened upon Adam Curry’s essay about the Dutch politician who was assassinated the other day. It’s a fascinating read, and his complaints about the media hit home for me. I found his reference to the Zen TV Project interesting, too.

One more thing. On the subways here in New York City, especially the brightly lit 6 train, they have poetry and art in many of the cars. I love that.

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