Luke Melia


August 9, 2007

A Pipe for System Notices

In my never-ending efforts to deal with the fast-flowing river of information, I created a Yahoo! Pipe that might be useful to others. I host some websites with out of Pittsburgh. They offer an RSS feed of all of their downtime, maintenance, etc. The problem is they have host 192,000+ sites on a vast number of servers, and I only really care about one of those servers: the shared host where my sites reside. After months of scanning the system notices feed a few times every day, I decided to end the madness and create a pre-filtered feed I can subscribe to in place of Pair’s feed.

The Pipe filters the system notices for a particular keyword in the title. The name of the server you’re hosted on is a good one. Feel free to use it, clone it, or what have you. System Notices for Your Server

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