Luke Melia


September 2, 2005

March of the Penguins

penguin and mom (or dad) Throughout the pregnancy so far, I always imagined Jeanhee and I going to the movies while she was in early labor. It seemed so perfect. A nice place to relax and be distracted… and we rarely go out to the movies, so I thought it would be a real treat. Jeanhee was skeptical, but tonight it became a reality. After dinner out at Little Seoul (neĆ© Togi), we walked over to the Chelsea Clearview, and I ordered tickets. “Two Penguins, please.” Twenty-one dollars later, we walked into theater one, a bag of all-natural caramel corn tucked discreetly under my arm.

Jeanhee had been getting a lot of comments all night, and sure enough the older couple sitting next us starting chatting. “Are you going to have the baby here?,” the woman joked. They were grandparents and wished us good luck. Being parents is not as good as being grandparents, apparently, but it was pretty amazing.

March of the Penguins was lovely. Amazing footage of an amazing beautiful animal with an unenviable life in the harshest clime on Earth. I had heard that the original release in French had voice over artists doing voices for the penguins and I laughed as I imagined that in some places. Warner Bros decided to get Morgan Freeman to narrate it for US release.

As the movie started, I reached over and put my hand on Jeanhee’s belly, feeling Huck moving all around as Freeman’s distinctive voice resonated in surround sound. A few scenes later, Jeanhee leaned over. “Did you feel that?,” she whispered. “That was a contraction.”

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