Luke Melia


February 28, 2003

2/28/03, 11:25am – Big Byrd

Robert Byrd Senator Robert Byrd on the costs of an Iraq war:

Hiding information from the public to rally support behind a war, at the very time when the government should be striving for maximum trust will eventually undermine our nation’s strength. This conflict will be paid for with the people’s treasure and the people’s blood. This is no time to affront that sacrifice with beltway spin and secrecy.

This Senator has an oratorical flare that serves as a worthy foil to the Bush/Rove ad-spin-istration. Thanks to Kris for the link.

2 Responses to “2/28/03, 11:25am – Big Byrd”

  1. rich chimed in:

    great article.

    umm… not to be flip, but did ya win?

  2. Luke chimed in:

    Lost all three. :-( But we played well. The other team was very good. Four strong hitters and a talented setter.

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